Sunday Scoop! ...and then some

Welcome back to The Sunday Scoop, a weekly linky party with Teaching Trio!
So link up and join in the fun! :)

I'm not going to go through all of it as so much of it is self-explanatory, but let me just say this...ordering groceries is honestly one of the best things -- EVER!! We save TONS of money with it! No impulse buys! We stick to our diet! We only buy brands that we have coupons for, no worrying about searching endless shelves! I just love it! It saves me SO. MUCH. TIME. I used to think that it was something for lazy people. Shame on me for judging!

Report cards are due Friday. I didn't work on them this weekend. Nope... Not. One. Bit! Argh, silly me! I really, truly... aim to have them done by Wednesday so that I can just... cruise on through the rest of the week. HA! Do I sound as delusional to you as I do to myself?! Here's to hoping!!

This year for Spring Break, the Hubster took the week, also. BUT... we're not going anywhere. We decided on a STAY-cation! We'll be doing day tirps and just doing things around town. I cannot wait. I just want to... Chillax :)


One thing that you should definitely keep an eye out for is a MAJOR giveaway coming soon! If you're not in the loop, follow me on Instagram (@shoelaces_sweetfaces) to stay up-to-date for the chance to win a seriously awesome prize! If I weren't one of the parties giving it away, I sure would be entering! GOOD LUCK!

Have a great week, everyone!! :)
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